Project Description
Portsmouth Blvd and Nansemond Pkwy Roadway Improvements
Submitted by the Mid-Atlantic Region
Construction Cost | $14,000,000 | |
Project Location | Chesapeake, VA | |
Project Owner | City of Chesapeake/City of Suffolk | |
Project Designer | Kimley-Horn/Clark Nexsen | |
Contractor | Branscome Incorporated | |
Completion Date | January 2019 |

Project Description
The Cities of Chesapeake and Suffolk under a cooperative agreement, completed the widening of the Portsmouth Boulevard and Nansemond Parkway (Route 337) projects in the fall of 2018. The City of Chesapeake entered into agreement with Kimley-Horn and Suffolk entered into agreement with Clark Nexsen. The approximate 1.5‐mile project provided not only much needed capacity and safety improvements for motorists along the corridor, but also provided improved and safer access for bicyclists and pedestrians along the heavily traveled roadway. Construction included three bio retention basins and three stormwater management facilities, drainage systems improvements including a dual box culvert extension, utility relocations, intersection improvements, traffic signalization, a 10‐foot multiuse path, and landscaping enhancements. The completed $14 million project allows for direct access to I‐664 in Chesapeake from Suffolk.
Both Chesapeake and Suffolk came together through regionalism and cooperation with a common goal to provide safe and efficient movement of vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians. A goal that was reached within budget and on schedule through the cooperation of city, state and federal staff, multiple consultants and a single contractor. Upon completion of the project, a joint ribbon cutting was held at the project site near the City line. At the conclusion of the ceremony, city leaders personally thanked and provided gifts to the ‘first users’ of the new facility that were momentarily stopped for the ribbon cutting. City leaders expressed their appreciation to the motorists not only for their patience during the ceremony, but their continued patience during construction.
Project Features
- Capacity and safety improvments
- Safer access for bicyclists and pedestrians
- 3 bio retention basins
- 3 stormwater management facilities
- Collaboration of 2 cities
- Detailed environmental document
- Value Engineering
- Utilization of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP)
- Landscape plans
- Tree box filters
- Preservation of a 300 year old oak tree adjacent to roadway