Project Description
Route 30 Landslide Remediation
Submitted by the Northeast Region
Construction Cost | $7,000,000 | |
Project Location | East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania | |
Project Owner | Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | |
Project Designer | Gannett Fleming | |
Contractor | Golden Triangle Construction | |
Completion Date | June 2018 |

Project Description
This project was the emergency reconstruction of a portion of US Route 30, a key travel artery in suburban Pittsburgh. Subtle slope movement on Route 30 in Allegheny County suddenly became a landslide which sent 300 feet of roadway and thousands of tons of soil plummeting 90 feet down a steep hill, destroying a home and two apartment buildings. Fortunately, no one was hurt.
The project consisted of a 400-foot-long retaining wall and 90-foot embankment. But prior to the construction, a ten-day design effort produced a design utilizing in-stock piling and an around-the-clock work effort.
Project Features
- LiDAR and drone mapping
- Excavation, construction and design work proceeded simultaneously
- Design was based on available structural steel rather than custom orders
- Numerous pedestrian improvements
- Three-month to fully re-open Route 30