Project Description
Southern Ohio Veterans Memorial Highway
Submitted by the Great Lakes Region
Construction Cost | $429,000,000 | |
Project Location | Sciota County, Ohio | |
Project Owner | Portsmouth Gateway Group | |
Project Designer | ms consultants, inc. | |
Contractor | Portsmouth Join Venture (PJV) | |
Completion Date | December, 2018 |

Project Description
The first Public/Private Partnership (P3) project for the Ohio Department of Tranportation involved the design, construction and long-term maintenance of a new 16-mile, four-lane, limited-access highway around the City of Portsmouth in Scioto County. The highway is designated as State Route 823, the Southern Ohio Veterans Memorial Highway (formerly known as the Portsmouth Bypass). The project includes construction of five new interchanges and 23 new bridges. The winning bid for this project was $906 million which included design, construction and 35-years of maintenance. Design of the project started on January 5, 2015 and the highway was opened to traffic on December 14, 2018.
Project Features
- First Public/Private Partnership (P3) project for Ohio DOT using the
Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain (DBFOM) delivery method - Significant settlement locations used wick drains and 36-inch shot rock layer
- Combined left and right bridges to minimize number of beams
- Semi-integral abutments with a single row of piling and MSE strapped footings
- Cantilevered noise walls on bridge parapets to mitigate collision force demands
- Over-sizing of piles to resist downdrag to mitigate foundation settlements.
- Single column T-type piers were used on several bridges, with double column T-type piers used on two larger, skewed bridges, allowing the same forms to be used on multiple bridges
- First Public/Private Partnership (P3) project for Ohio DOT using the