ASHE Member Processes Survey

The ASHE National Technology Committee has received requests from several sections regarding the current membership/renewal processes.  Your feedback is requested at this time to help us determine what changes, if any, that should be made at the National level to help improve these processes.

At a minimum, we wish to identify some of the best practices/methods/software that are being used at a section level that are currently used to manage membership process that can be shared with other sections.  We also hope to identify any challenges with the current processes and what improvements you would like to see.

Possible outcomes that have already been requested include the following:

  • Simplifying Membership and Annual Assessment Processes for Sections and National
  • Simplifying Updates to Member Accounts
  • Improved Administrative Dashboards for each Section/National
  • Online Membership Form/Elimination of paper submittals
  • Accepting Online Payments
  • Event Registration Functions
  • Others?

Based on your feedback, we will explore the best way to implement the suggested improvements, as feasible, through modifications to the current Section to National workflow, investing in a third-party software/online database, or  an overhaul of our current National Membership Database.  These requests for changes will be discussed at the next National Board Meeting on April 3-4 in Columbus, OH.

Please submit your responses no later than March 26th. 

    Online Membership Application that integrates directly with the ASHE Membership Center (required)
    1 (Not Important)2345 (Very Important)n/a

    Membership Reassessment Process that is directly integrated with the ASHE Membership Center (required)
    1 (Not Important)2345 (Very Important)n/a

    Event Registration within the ASHE Membership Center (required)
    1 (Not Important)2345 (Very Important)n/a

    Sponsor Registration within the ASHE Membership Center (required)
    1 (Not Important)2345 (Very Important)n/a

    Allowing Online Payments - Members to Sections(required)
    1 (Not Important)2345 (Very Important)n/a

    Allowing Online Payments - Sections to National(required)
    1 (Not Important)2345 (Very Important)n/a