2021 ASHE Project of the Year
Submissions are now being accepted
ASHE National will recognize the outstanding work completed by members of the ASHE with the National Project of the Year Award. Projects submitted must be directly related to a field of transportation. Examples of eligible types of projects are shown in the pictures in the flyer available at the link below and include highways, bridges, traffic signals, railroads, public transit and bikeways.
One project will be selected in each of two categories each year for an ASHE National Project of the Year. Categories are $20 million and under and over $20 million. Awards will be presented to the owner, designer, and contractor in each category for recognition of excellence in the judging criteria listed below. The winning teams will receive:
- Awards to be presented to the Owner, Designer, and the Prime Contractor at the ASHE National Conference and/or other social venues,
- An article written by the winning team about the project will be placed in the ASHE scanner,
- A photo with the name of the project and the names of the design firm, contractor, and owner will be included in the ASHE National Conference publicity and website.
All teams submitting a Project of the Year application that meet the entry requirements will be provided the opportunity to display information about their project on the ASHE National website.
All ASHE Sections are encouraged to submit eligible projects to their ASHE Region for evaluation and advancement to the National Project of the Year Awards Competition. Regions can submit no more than one project in each category to the National Project of the Year Committee Chair by each year’s deadline.
Project Criteria
Projects submitted for the National Project of the Year Award Competition will be judged using the following criteria:
25% Complexity
25% New application of Existing Techniques / Originality / Innovation
15% Social/Economic Considerations
15% Safety
10% Aesthetics and Sustainable Features 10% Meeting and Exceeding Owner’s/Client’s Needs
For further information please visit the ASHE National website at www.ashe.pro for the submission requirements and entry form or contact: Joseph Rikk at Gannett Fleming: 614-794-9424 ● jrikk@gfnet.com