To ASHE Regions, Sections, and Membership:
The Mission of the American Society of Highway Engineers is to provide a forum for members and partners of the highway industry to promote a safe, efficient and sustainable transportation system through education, innovation and fellowship. In these troubling times, with the entire country and world affected by the Coronavirus and societal shutdown; social distancing, business and school closures, and remote working from home has become our new norm. We are all hopeful that we will be able to return back to the normalcy of our lives and schedules soon, but timing for that is still unknown at this time. The social-nature of ASHE…the networking, fraternizing, social interacting…the very core of what sets ASHE apart from other industry organizations, has been put on hold for the health and safety of our members. But that doesn’t mean we close our doors. Like so many other businesses and organizations, we need to adapt to the current reality we find ourselves in.
I encourage and ask all levels of leadership (National, Regions, Sections) to continue meeting through the virtual means at our disposal and to stay in communication with our members, even if it is just to bring updates regarding current industry topics. All members are encouraged to follow ASHE on Social Media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), and to share their own posts to the greater membership. Sections may even consider holding webinars as a substitute for canceled section meetings.
ASHE National has tools available to help Sections weather this crisis and remain in communication with their members. Social Media, ASHE Websites, and WebEx seminars can all be used to bridge the communication gap we now all face. Communication and visibility is essential to keep the ASHE Mission relevant in the months ahead. Should your Section need any assistance, please reach out to your Region’s National Director or the ASHE National Secretary ( and they will help provide you the guidance needed.
I so very much look forward to the day in the not too-distant future when we can all once again gather in person and continue ASHE’s important Mission of Education, Innovation, and most of all, Fellowship. I pray that you and your families remain safe and healthy during this time of crisis.
Thank you.
Michael D. Hurtt, P.E. (NY)
National President
American Society of Highway Engineers