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“The mission of the American Society of Highway Engineers is to provide a forum for members and partners of the highway industry to promote a safe, efficient and sustainable transportation system through education, innovation and fellowship.”


The local Section/Region is the most important element for ASHE to satisfy the goals of our Mission Statement. While some uniformity in Section/Region operations is essential, membership and custom difference between Sections/Regions are recognized. These become the strength of ASHE. Public employees are welcome to join, and are a particularly vital segment of our membership. See our Public Employee poster.

See our brochure

ASHE Podcast Episode #2

Come on a road trip with us! Join co-hosts Melissa Boyles and Amanda Schumacher on this monthly podcast featuring a conversations with National ASHE President Tim Matthews.


The primary benefit of belonging to ASHE is the opportunity to grow technically and professionally. ASHE provides a forum to interact with one’s peers in the transportation industry while working together to help solve common problems and discuss pertinent issues.


The Society was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1958 with the conception and inception of the first Chartered Section (Harrisburg Section) credited to a small group of dedicated engineers from the Pennsylvania Department of Highways, in association with a group of outstanding contractors, material suppliers, and consulting engineers in the Harrisburg area. Since then, ASHE has grown into an organization consisting of over 6,000 members, and over 40 operating sections in 9 regions throughout the U.S.

The backbone of ASHE is sections operating at the local level. Sections organize a variety of activities and events such as luncheons and seminars for technical sharing, and social and networking events. Each section is governed by a board of directors made up of local members. There are currently more than 45 operating sections.

At the national level, ASHE is operated by a board of directors. Numerous national committees also serve at the direction of the Board to deal with a variety of national issues. The board and committees meet four times per year.

Five ASHE regions, each with region representatives, serve as liasons between the sections and national.

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