Warning: Undefined array key "pwd" in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/p_membership_form.php on line 3

Warning: Undefined variable $WPDBConnect in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/c_db.php on line 18

Warning: Undefined variable $PPIPN in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/c_db.php on line 55

Warning: Undefined variable $exportfile in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/c_db.php on line 60
'.$INDENT.'PO Box 54478
'.$INDENT.'Atlanta, Georgia 30308
'; $INVDATE = '2010-09-01 00:00:00'; //$DUEDATE = '2010-09-22 00:00:00'; //$EXPDATE = '2011-06-01 00:00:00'; $date = date("Y-m-d");// current date $PLUS2WEEKS = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date)) . " +2 week"); $currentYEAR =(date("Y")); $lastYEAR =$currentYEAR-1; $currentMONTH = date("m"); $currentDAY = date("d"); $qNatlVar = "SELECT * FROM ASHE_NatlVar"; $rNatlVar = mysqli_query($conASHEdb, $qNatlVar); while($rowNatlVar = mysqli_fetch_array($rNatlVar, MYSQLI_BOTH)){ $variable = $rowNatlVar['Variable']; $value = $rowNatlVar['Value']; $$variable = $value; } $MEMCutDATE = $currentYEAR .'-'.$MEMCutDATE; //End of Renewals (Set BY National) $MEMRenewStartDATE = $currentYEAR .'-'.$MEMRenewStartDATE; //Beginning of Renewal (Set BY National) // $MEMCutDATE = $currentYEAR .'-10-01'; //End of Renewals (Set BY National) // $MEMRenewStartDATE = $currentYEAR .'-06-01'; //Beginning of Renewal (Set BY National) $Section='Yes'; if($Section=='Yes'){ $qSecVar = "SELECT * FROM ASHE_Sections WHERE IDSection = '$SecID'"; $rSecVar = mysqli_query($conASHEdb, $qNatlVar); $rowSecVar = mysqli_fetch_array($rNatlVar, MYSQLI_BOTH); $MEMDueDATE = $rowSecVar['MEMDueDATE']; //Date where membership fees are due (pref) and commitment is required. $MEMDueDATE2 = $rowSecVar['MEMDueDATE2']; //Date where membership fees are due (pref) and commitment is required. $MEMExtendedDATE = $rowSecVar['MEMExtendedDATE']; //Date where membership expiration extends to the following year. } // $MEMDueDATE = $currentYEAR .'-08-15'; //Date where membership fees are due (pref) and commitment is required. // $MEMExtendedDATE = $currentYEAR .'-03-01'; //Date where membership expiration extends to the following year. $dropcutoff = $MEMCutDATE; $DUEDATE = $MEMDueDATE; $EXPDATEY = $currentYEAR + 1; $EXPDATEYdb = $EXPDATEY; if($date >= $MEMCutDATE){ $aftermr = 'YES'; //After Membership Renewal Time $Renewal = 'No'; //Not Within Renewal Period } elseif($date >= $MEMDueDATE){ $afterdue = 'YES'; //After Membership Renewal Initial Due Date $duringmr = 'YES'; //During Membership Renewal Time $Renewal = 'Yes2'; //Renewal Period 2 (After Initial Due Date) } elseif($date >= $MEMRenewStartDATE){ $duringmr = 'YES'; //During Membership Renewal Time $Renewal = 'Yes1'; //Renewal Period 1 (After Initial Due Date) } elseif($date >= $MEMExtendedDATE){ $extbmr = 'YES'; //Membership Expiration extended to following year $EXPDATEY = $currentYEAR; $Renewal = 'No'; //Not Within Renewal Period } else{ $afterdueby = 'YES'; //After Membership Renewal Time, Beginning of the Year $EXPDATEY = $currentYEAR; $EXPDATEYdb = $currentYEAR; $Renewal = 'No'; //Not Within Renewal Period } //Clarify Exp Date between what will be entered into the Database when becoming a new member vs what is the actual expiration $EXPDATEdb = ''.$EXPDATEYdb.'-06-01'; // $EXPDATE = ''.$EXPDATEY.'-06-01'; $pEXPDATEY = $EXPDATEY - 1; $ppEXPDATEY = $pEXPDATEY - 1; $pEXPDATE = ''.$pEXPDATEY.'-06-01'; $ppEXPDATE = ''.$ppEXPDATEY.'-06-01'; $memyearlong = $pEXPDATEY.'/'.$EXPDATEY; $pmemyearlong = $ppEXPDATEY.'/'.$pEXPDATEY; //(Used when membership needs to be reset, but hasn't) $cym2 = $currentYEAR - 2; $ptollscuttoff = $cym2.'-'.$currentMONTH.'-'.$currentDAY ;//date when the p_tolls page no loger shows $owed. //Renewals $rnduesmem = 55; //renewal dues $rnduesgov = 55; //renewal dues government rate $rnduesstm = 25; //renewal dues student rate $rnduesLate = 25; //Additional Rate Owed if member is dropped from National Database and renew soon afterwards // New Members $newstmdues = 25; //new student $newmemdues = 65; //new regular member $newgovdues = 60; //new government rate & unemployed $SECname = 'Lindsey Dunnahoo'; //Secretary's Name $SECemail = 'Lindsey.Dunnahoo@aecom.com'; //Secretary's Email $CoSECname = 'Jennifer Lott'; //Secretary's Name $CoSECemail = 'jlott@aulickengineering.com'; //Secretary's Email $TREASname = 'Brad Cox'; $TREASemail = 'cox.bradleyg@gmail.com'; $TREASpe = ', PE'; //$TREASname = 'Sarah Blackburn'; //$TREASemail = 'sarah_blackburn@gspnet.com'; $SCCemail = 'jennifer.stephan@tylin.com'; //Student Committee Chair's Email $SOCname = 'Cindy McAdams'; //Social Chair's Name $SOCemail = 'CMcAdams@ecslimited.com'; //Social Chair's Email $PROname = 'Chris Rideout'; //Program Chair's Name $PROemail = 'crideout@croyengineering.com'; //Program Chair's Email $PAYPALemail = 'tolls@georgia.ashe.pro'; //$PAYPALemail = 'tolls@'.$WEBSITE_DOMAIN.''; $MEMBERSHIPemail = 'membership@'.$WEBSITE_DOMAIN.''; $REGISTRATIONemail = 'registration@'.$WEBSITE_DOMAIN.''; //$BCCemail = 'mhsanders@pontengineering.com,egranados@hntb.com, all@'.$WEBSITE_DOMAIN.''; $BCCemail = 'all@'.$WEBSITE_DOMAIN.''; //$SCONTACT = 'Eric Granados'; //For Employment Oppurtunities Page //$SCEMAIL = 'eric.granados@arcadis.com'; //For Employment Oppurtunities Page $WEBMASTER = 'Eric Granados'; $WEBMASTERemail = 'eric.granados@arcadis.com'; //$WEBMASTERemail = 'mindy.sanders@loweengineers.com'; $WEBMASTERemailPP = 'mhsanders@pontengineering.com'; //email address to which debug emails are sent to when testing $ecss = " "; $headbox = ' '; $eheader = " An Email from ASHE Georgia Section"; $eheader .= $ecss; $eheader .= ' '.$headbox.'
ASHE Georgia Section

'; $efooter ='


'; //$eheaderbowl = " // An Email from the $TITLE"; //$eheaderbowl .= $ecss; //$eheaderbowl .= ' // // // // // //

// '.$TITLE.'
// '.$DATE.'
// '.$LOCATION.'

// // //

'; $efooterbowl ='

'.$TITLE.' Flyer

'; if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS,0,3)=='WIN')) { $END="\r\n"; } elseif (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS,0,3)=='MAC')) { $END="\r"; } else { $END="\n"; } //Email header line end // $END = "\n"; // $END = "\r\n"; //use this one $mime_boundary=md5(time()); $rand = md5( uniqid ( rand() ) ); $boundary = '-----=' . $rand; $enum = 1; //5TH Mail Paramenter $MAILP5 = $REGISTRATIONemail; //critical to have fifth parameter in mail function $EMAILheaders = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . $END; $EMAILheaders .= 'Content-type: text/html; boundary='.$boundary.'; charset=iso-8859-1' . $END; // $EMAILheaders .= "Message-ID: <". time() .rand(1,1000). "@".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].">".$END; //$mime_boundary = "----MSA Shipping----".md5(time()); //$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; //$headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"$mime_boundary\"\n"; //$message .= "--$mime_boundary\n"; //$message .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n"; //$message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n"; // At the end of message: //$message .= "--$mime_boundary--\n\n"; // $EMAILheaders .= 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . $END; // $EMAILheaderstext = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . $END; // $EMAILheaderstext .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . $END; $random_hash = md5(date('r', time())); //define the headers we want passed. Note that they are separated with \r\n $EMAILheaders3 = "From: ".$MEMBERSHIPemail."\r\nReply-To: ".$MEMBERSHIPemail."\r\nbcc: ".$WEBMASTERemail.""; //add boundary string and mime type specification //$EMAILheaders3 .= "\r\nContent-Type: text; boundary=\"PHP-alt-".$random_hash."\""; // $EMAILheaders2 .= 'Reply-To: '. $REPLYTOemail.$END; // $EMAILheaders2 .= 'Return-Path: '. $RETURNemail.$END; $STATEselectlist = ' '; $querySEC = 'SELECT DISTINCT ID_Section, Section_Name FROM ASHE_Sections ORDER BY Section_Name'; $resultSEC = mysqli_query ($conASHEdb, $querySEC); while ($rowSEC=mysqli_fetch_array($resultSEC, MYSQLI_BOTH)){ $SectionID = $rowSEC['ID_Section']; $SectionName = $rowSEC['Section_Name']; $SECselectlist .= ''; } $CANCELLATION_POLICY = 'You may cancel your registration up to one week in advance without incurring penalty unless payment was made using PayPal,
in which case a fee of 2.9% + $0.30 will be deducted. Cancellations within 1 week and "no-shows" must pay in full.'; $paymentpolicy = '
ou may pay for ASHE fees by check or by using PayPal
(Accepts: Visa Mastercard American Express Discover eCheck )

Please note: Payments for nonmembers and sponsorships will be assessed a fee of 2.9% + $0.30 if paying with PayPal.

All checks are to be made payable to "'.$CHECKSpayee.'" and hand delivered at ASHE events or mailed to:

Contributions, sponsorships or gifts to ASHE Georgia and ASHE National are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.


Thank you for your cooperation.
'; $hover1 = '

'; ?>
Warning: Undefined array key "NewM" in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/p_membership_form.php on line 10

Warning: Undefined array key "Student" in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/p_membership_form.php on line 11

Warning: Undefined variable $SECemail in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/p_membership_form.php on line 72

Warning: Undefined variable $SECname in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/p_membership_form.php on line 72

Warning: Undefined variable $Rsuccess in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/p_membership_form.php on line 942

Warning: Undefined variable $DUEDATEh in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/p_membership_form.php on line 970

New Member Form (For Professionals)

Warning: Undefined variable $LogOutMess in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/p_membership_form.php on line 972

Warning: Undefined variable $qual in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/orglist.php on line 3

Warning: Undefined variable $NEWSEL in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/orglist.php on line 9

Warning: Undefined variable $ORGselRow in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/orglist.php on line 14

Warning: Undefined variable $ORGsel in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/orglist.php on line 15

Warning: Undefined variable $ORGsel in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/orglist.php on line 18

Warning: Undefined variable $ONChange in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/orglist.php on line 24

Warning: Undefined variable $ONameChange in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/orglist.php on line 28

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: mysqli_fetch_array(): Argument #1 ($result) must be of type mysqli_result, bool given in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/orglist.php:33 Stack trace: #0 /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/orglist.php(33): mysqli_fetch_array() #1 /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/p_membership_form.php(977): include('/home/ashepro/p...') #2 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/insert-php/includes/shortcodes/shortcode-php.php(52) : eval()'d code(2): include('/home/ashepro/p...') #3 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/insert-php/includes/shortcodes/shortcode-php.php(52): eval() #4 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/insert-php/libs/factory/shortcodes/shortcode.class.php(287): WINP_SnippetShortcodePhp->html() #5 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/insert-php/libs/factory/shortcodes/shortcodes.php(96): Wbcr_FactoryShortcodes333_Shortcode->render() #6 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(433): Wbcr_FactoryShortcodes333_ShortcodeManager->__call() #7 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag() #8 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(273): preg_replace_callback() #9 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(312): do_shortcode() #10 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters() #11 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-text.php(141): apply_filters() #12 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(433): FusionSC_FusionText->render() #13 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag() #14 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(273): preg_replace_callback() #15 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-column-element.php(473): do_shortcode() #16 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(433): Fusion_Column_Element->render() #17 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag() #18 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(273): preg_replace_callback() #19 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fusion-builder/inc/class-fusion-row-element.php(104): do_shortcode() #20 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(433): Fusion_Row_Element->render() #21 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag() #22 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(273): preg_replace_callback() #23 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-content/plugins/fusion-builder/shortcodes/fusion-container.php(1007): do_shortcode() #24 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(433): FusionSC_Container->render() #25 [internal function]: do_shortcode_tag() #26 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/shortcodes.php(273): preg_replace_callback() #27 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): do_shortcode() #28 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters() #29 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/post-template.php(256): apply_filters() #30 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-content/themes/Avada/page.php(24): the_content() #31 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(106): include('/home/ashepro/p...') #32 /home/ashepro/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/ashepro/p...') #33 /home/ashepro/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/ashepro/p...') #34 {main} thrown in /home/ashepro/public_html/ashe-includes/orglist.php on line 33