ASHE Membership Database – Section Specific Information

The ASHE National Technology Committee is investigating the potential to improve the current National Database (ASHE Members Center) by integrating additional functionality for the Sections.  Possible improved functionality that has been requested and is being considered includes the following:

  • Online Membership Form – automatically inserted into the membership database
  • Providing an Online Method for New Membership and Annual Assessment
  • Improved Administrative Section Dashboards
  • Accepting Online Payments
  • Event Registration

Your feedback is requested at this time to help us determine how any added functionality will be prioritized during this integration.   The Committee also recognizes that individual Sections operate independently from one another and all offer unique opportunities for sponsorships, a variety of event types, and different levels of membership costs.   Therefore, your feedback will also help us identify any unique practices of your section so that any upgrades can incorporate and/or allow for these differences.

Please submit your responses no later than August 13. 

    Online Membership Application that integrates directly with the ASHE Membership Center (required)
    1 (Not Important)2345 (Very Important)n/a

    Membership Reassessment Process that is directly integrated with the ASHE Membership Center (required)
    1 (Not Important)2345 (Very Important)n/a

    Event Registration within the ASHE Membership Center (required)
    1 (Not Important)2345 (Very Important)n/a

    Sponsor Registration within the ASHE Membership Center (required)
    1 (Not Important)2345 (Very Important)n/a

    Allowing Online Payments - Members to Sections(required)
    1 (Not Important)2345 (Very Important)n/a

    Allowing Online Payments - Sections to National(required)
    1 (Not Important)2345 (Very Important)n/a